The One Day in SoCal Podcast!
Feb. 3, 2023

Episode 23 - The California Science Center

Episode 23 - The California Science Center

Metro Red Line Subway Station Entrance at Los Angeles Union Station. Enter if you dare...

Metro Red Line Subway


SR-12 Blackbird (Precursor to the SR-71 Blackbird)


Lunch at the California Science Center. Burger & Fries. 


Kelp Forest Tank at the California Science Center


Kelp Forest Tunnel


Tide Pool/Rocky Coast section of the Kelp Forest Tank above the water. 


Desert Exhibit


Space Shuttle Endeavor


Space Shuttle Endeavor


Memorial to lives lost during our many space missions. 


Toilet from the International Space Station.


South Entrance of the California Science Center




A tree on the North Lawn of Exposition Park


Rush Hour on the Red Line Subway


Red Line Subway


Red Line Subway


Metrolink Arrival back in San Bernardino Station.